Whole of Home Resilience
The Whole-of-Home Resilience project in Mount Alexander Shire will pilot an integrated multi hazard resilience and energy efficiency home assessment methodology. The project is co-delivered by the Castlemaine Institute and Resilient Building Council, with support from DEECA, Emergency Recovery Victoria and Mount Alexander Shire Council.
The project will train regional home assessors and deliver up to 150 combined multi-hazard and energy efficiency assessments. The assessments will identify how to best enable the regional community of Mount Alexander Shire to prepare against natural hazards and reduce the impact of future events. Participating households will better understand their risks and priority actions to reduce vulnerability to extreme weather and natural disasters.
Data analysis will be completed on the recommendation reports for the properties to provide modelling on the extent of retrofits and estimates of costs that will be required to raise the resilience and energy efficiency of homes throughout the Shire. This will inform a cost / benefit business case to support future policy and investment in holistic home retrofits.
This project is made possible by funding provided by the Australian Government in partnership with the States and Territories under the National Partnership Agreement for Disaster Risk Reduction.